Ofsted visited The Rookeries in January 2023, we were rated as ‘Good' with a rating of 'Outstanding' in the following areas:
- Behaviour and Attitudes.
- Early Years Provision.

Quotes from the Report
- All staff have high expectations of pupils at The Rookeries Carleton Junior and Infant School.
- Pupils work purposefully in lessons and achieve well.
- In lessons and at playtimes pupils are exceptionally polite and respectful to each other.
- The chief executive officer and trustees have been key partners in reshaping the strategic direction of the school which has rapidly improved in all areas.
- All members of the school community embrace equality of opportunity. They are passionate about ensuring that all pupils can thrive together.
- Pupils with disabilities are supported well to ensure they can access all activities alongside their peers.
- Leaders have an inclusive system in place for teaching pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
- Pupils access a wide range of opportunities and experiences that they may not ordinarily have in their lives.
- Routines are well embedded, and children behave exceptionally well.