Thousands of Pontefract Kids Took Part in the Cross Country Challenge

Published: October 31, 2020 12:23 pm

Around 3500 children in Pontefract put their best feet forward to take part in the Trust’s first Cross Country Challenge competition.  Each child raced against their individual class mates along a designated track to adhere to social distancing rules.  Key Stage 1 children ran 800 metres and Key Stage 2 children ran 1200 metres.

At the end of the race the children were given an individual time to share with their parents.   Awards and certificates will be issued to the six children with the fastest time in each of the competing schools.   There will also be “spirit of the games awards” where each of the six schools taking part can nominate a child that has worked really hard to achieve their best in the cross country challenge.

The schools taking part are Halfpenny Lane Junior, Infant and Nursery School; Orchard Head Junior, Infant and Nursery School; De Lacy Primary School; Carleton Park Junior and Infant School; Larks Hill Junior and Infant School; The Rookeries Junior, Infant and Nursery School and who are all part of Pontefract Academies Trust.

Chief Executive Officer of Pontefract Academies Trust, Julian Appleyard OBE said, “Cross country running is a great way to exercise and enjoy the outdoors.  The children are all adapting so incredibly well to school life at this difficult time, and it’s fantastic to see how much each and every child relished this opportunity.  They’re all winners and a big well done to all the staff for making this outdoor activity such a success.”

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